

Established in year 1965, GPS MUNDIAN KHURD is located in Rural area of Punjab state/ut of India. In Mundian Khurd area of Koom Kalan block of Ludhiana district. Area pincode is 141123.
School is providing Primary level education and is being managed by Department of Education. Medium of instruction is Punjabi language and school is Co-educational.

We are in process of finalisation of BOQ and will be starting Civil work sooner and will be completing school civil work by the end of April’ 2022


GSSS NASRALI was established in 1955 and it is managed by the Department of Education. It is located in Rural area. It is located in KHANNA block of LUDHIANA district of Punjab. The school consists of Grades from 6 to 12. The school is Co-educational

Team SACH had a meeting with Mrs. Kusum Taak principal of GSSS Nasrali discussing the areas in need of repair and renovation in school.The areas that required work is mentioned as follow

The Principal then specified areas that needed immediate attention. The work to be done is mentioned below

We are currently working on finalising BOQ for the same school and will be completing the civil work in school by the end of April’2022

In addition to renovation done, the school is also provided with Interactive Board as it would increase engagement of students, boost communication and structure lessons. It would make the whole experience of learning fun and creative. Interactive Board would bring convenience and flexibility in learning. It would save greatly on teaching cost as well.


GSSS CHAK KALAN was established in 1957 and it is managed by the Department of Education. It is located in Rural area. The school consists of Grades from 6 to 12. The school is Co-educational and it doesn't have an attached pre-primary section.

We met school Principal and briefed her about our repair and renovation project and visited whole school premises. She told that school had done many work from NRI funding but lacked some important facilities in sanitation and classroom renovation We found that toilet gates were completely depleted and required renovation and paint work.
Library floor was in bad condition and did not give conducive environment for students so it required vinyl carpet or tile work.
We found that taps in drinking area were not working, urinal partition required for proper sanitation.
So, after due consultation with school management, we tried to take those areas which will benefit students the most in long run.


GSSS DHANANSU was established in 1978 and it is managed by the Department of Education. It is located in Rural area. It is located in KOOM KALAN block of LUDHIANA district of Punjab. The school consists of Grades from 6 to 12. The school is Co-educational

Team SACH had a meeting with Mrs. Bindu Sood, principal of GSSS Dhanansu regarding our projecting concerning repair, renovation in their school. According to the Principal, main area of work was Girls and Boys washroom .

A thorough renovation in both the toilet areas was requested by her.

So, after due consultation with school management, we tried to take those areas which will benefit students the most in long run.


GSS PURRAIN was established in 1959 and it is managed by the Department of Education. It is located in Rural area. It is located in SIDHWAN BET block of LUDHIANA district of Punjab. The school consists of Grades from 6 to 12. The school is Co-educational.

We Met Purain Village School Principal Smt Neena Mittal Ji and told her about our proposed repair & renovation at school. We visited whole school to have better idea about work that required to be done. She briefed about school difficulties and thanked for our (SACH) efforts.

The school principal was very concerned about the bramda roof as it was totally damaged and it can fall anytime so it can be very dangerous during rainy season we have attached image of the same in so it required immediate action to stop any mishappening.

We analysed drinking water facility and to our surprise it had two R.O installed but both were not in working condition.

So, after due consultation with school management, we tried to take those areas which will benefit students the most in long run.

In addition to renovation done, the school is also provided with Interactive Board as it would increase engagement of students, boost communication and structure lessons. It would make the whole experience of learning fun and creative. Interactive Board would bring convenience and flexibility in learning. It would save greatly on teaching cost as well.


GSSS LEELAN MEGH SINGH was established in 1950 and it is managed by the Department of Education. It is located in Rural area. It is located in SIDHWAN BET block of LUDHIANA district of Punjab. The school consists of Grades from 6 to 12. The school is Co-educational

Team SACH conducted a meeting with the principal, Mrs. Manjit Kaur of Leela Megh Singh. We discussed the focus areas she would like our intervention in.
She mentioned the need of interlock tiles for handicap student toilet path for easy conveyance.
She also gave us a tour of boys and girls washroom. It needed roofing and paint work.
And other than these areas she also wanted us to provide school with vinyl carpet for ROT lab and Computer lab.
So, after due consultation with school management, we tried to take those areas which will benefit students the most in long run.

In addition to renovation done, the school is also provided with Interactive Board as it would increase engagement of students, boost communication and structure lessons. It would make the whole experience of learning fun and creative. Interactive Board would bring convenience and flexibility in learning. It would save greatly on teaching cost as well.

GSSS Umaidpur Tibba

GHS UMAIDPUR TIBBA was established in 1976 and it is managed by the Department of Education. It is located in Rural area. It is located in DEHLON block of LUDHIANA district of Punjab. The school consists of Grades from 6 to 10.The school is Co-educational.

Team SACH had a meeting with Mrs. Alka Punj principal of GHS Umaidpur Tibba discussing the areas in need of repair and renovation in school. School Principal told us about that RO was not functional and required repaired and showed us toilet area that needed cleaning Ness and paint work.

The areas that required work is mentioned as follows

The principal then specified areas that needed immediate attention and asked us to look after these areas on priority basis. The work to be done is mentioned below

We have finalised BOQ for the same and work has started in this school as on date and may be completed by the end of April’2022.


GSSS SHERPUR KALAN was established in 1967 and it is managed by the Department of Education. It is located in Rural area. It is located in SIDHWAN BET block of LUDHIANA district of Punjab. The school consists of Grades from 6 to 12. The school is Co-educational.

Team SACH had a meeting with Mr. Vinod Kumar, principal of Sherpur Kalan discussing areas he would like us to intervene with our work.
He mentioned boys and girls toilet needs immediate attention. The walls and roof of the toilet needed renovation.

Floor work in the office and staff toilet needed to be raised as it was quite uneven.
So, after due consultation with school management, we tried to take those areas which will benefit students the most in long run.

In addition to renovation done, the school is also provided with Interactive Board as it would increase engagement of students, boost communication and structure lessons. It would make the whole experience of learning fun and creative. Interactive Board would bring convenience and flexibility in learning. It would save greatly on teaching cost as well.


GSSS BHUNDRI was established in 1967 and it is managed by the Department of Education. It is located in Rural area. It is located in SIDHWAN BET block of LUDHIANA district of Punjab. The school consists of Grades from 6 to 12. The school is Co-educational

We Met Bhundri Village School Principal Varinder Kaur Mam and told her about our proposed repair & renovation at school and visited each proposed work unit.

She is Block Nodal Officer and 12-15 schools approximately comes under her Control. She was very helpful in arranging visits to other schools as well that we have selected for our project. She briefed about school difficulties and thanked for our (SACH) efforts.

While visiting school we saw school in good condition yet a lot of areas require prime attention. Toilets requires tile work and paint was also not in great condition.

School Auditorium cum Examination Hall required flooring work and its going to be the largest auditorium in sidhwan bet region.

So, after due consultation with school management, we tried to take those areas which will benefit students the most in long run.

In addition to renovation done, the school is also provided with Interactive Board as it would increase engagement of students, boost communication and structure lessons. It would make the whole experience of learning fun and creative. Interactive Board would bring convenience and flexibility in learning. It would save greatly on teaching cost as well.


GHS ALIWAL was established in 1977 and it is managed by the Department of Education. It is located in Rural area. It is located in SIDHWAN BET block of LUDHIANA district of Punjab. The school consists of Grades from 6 to 10. The school is Co-educational

We met GHS Aliwal School Principal Mrs Smily Handa and briefed her about our project of repair & renovation. We visited whole school area to had proper idea about work required.
We analyzed that school lacks proper sanitation facility as boys toilet required roof repair and without it could not be used for students, school boundary area was also not clean and often snake came out from there and it required proper cleaning and paint work.
So, after due consultation with school management, we tried to take those areas which will benefit students the most in long run.


GHS MACHHIAN KALAN was established in 2001 and it is managed by the Department of Education. It is located in Rural area. It is located in LUDHIANA-2 block of LUDHIANA district of Punjab. The school consists of Grades from 6 to 10. The school is Co-educational

We met school in-charge and briefed him about our project. School is not in very good condition, dust problem due to uneven ground.
Toilets were in pathetic situation as it was jammed and required proper cleanliness.
He asked us to look after these areas so that students may get hygienic environment.
So, after discussion we noted following areas for civil work.

We are in process of finalisation of BOQ and will be starting Civil work sooner and will be completing school civil work by the end of April’ 2022


GSSS KADIANA KALAN was established in 1968 and it is managed by the Department of Education. It is located in Rural area. It is located in KOOM KALAN BLOCK of LUDHIANA district of Punjab. The school consists of Grades from 6 to 12. The school is Co-Educational.

We had a meeting with the Principal, Mrs. Alka Punj regarding our project concerning repair and renovation in GSSS Kadiana Kalan.
She brought into our notice the need to level flooring in Health Care Room, Edusat Room and Education Room as the base was highly uneven.
She also needed drinking water taps for students convenience.
So, after due consultation with school management, we tried to take those areas which will benefit students the most in long run.

In addition to renovation done, the school is also provided with Interactive Board as it would increase engagement of students, boost communication and structure lessons. It would make the whole experience of learning fun and creative. Interactive Board would bring convenience and flexibility in learning. It would save greatly on teaching cost as well.


GSSS HAMBRAN was established in 1957 and it is managed by the Department of Education. It is located in Rural area. It is located in SIDHWAN BET block of LUDHIANA district of Punjab. The school consists of Grades from 6 to 12. The school is Co-educational

We Met Hambran School Principal Mrs Charanjeet Kaur and told her about HDFC funded FRDP programme for repair & renovation in school and visited whole school to have a proper idea about areas that needed repair and renovation.
Although, school had many facilities but still due to strength of students it faces scarcity at prime fronts like sanitation, drinking area.
School building walls old and required paint work to make it beautiful. School Staff toilet was in very poor condition and it required floor upliftment so that water lodging could be avoided in rainy season.
So, after due consultation with school management, we tried to take those areas which will benefit students the most in long run.

In addition to renovation done, the school is also provided with Interactive Board as it would increase engagement of students, boost communication and structure lessons. It would make the whole experience of learning fun and creative. Interactive Board would bring convenience and flexibility in learning. It would save greatly on teaching cost as well.


GSSS CHAUNTA was established in 1956 and it is managed by the Department of Education. It is located in Rural area. It is located in KOOM KALAN block of LUDHIANA district of Punjab. The school consists of Grades from 6 to 12.

We Met Chaunta Village School Principal Ruma Rani Mam and told her about our project aiming repair & renovation at school and visited each proposed work unit.

School was in dire need for repair work in boys toilet. The gate of the washroom needed a fix and the walls needed immediate coating of paint.
Principal also brought RO servicing to our notice keeping in mind the immediate requirements in order to make school well equipped for students.
So, after due consultation with school management, we tried to take those areas which will benefit students the most in long run.

In addition to renovation done, the school is also provided with Interactive Board as it would increase engagement of students, boost communication and structure lessons. It would make the whole experience of learning fun and creative. Interactive Board would bring convenience and flexibility in learning. It would save greatly on teaching cost as well.


GSSS SAHNEWAL was established in 1950 and it is managed by the Department of Education. It is located in Urban area. It is located in KOOM KALAN block of LUDHIANA district of Punjab. The school consists of Grades from 6 to 12. Its all girl’s school.

Team SACH had a meeting with the principal, Mrs. Karamjeet of GSSS Sahnewal regarding our project concerning repair and renovation in their school.
The school needed proper roofing in girls toilet and bala paint work in the school walls.
She also requested for 2 RO service Sets in school for students convenience.
So, after due consultation with school management, we tried to take those areas which will benefit students the most in long run.

In addition to renovation done, the school is also provided with Interactive Board as it would increase engagement of students, boost communication and structure lessons. It would make the whole experience of learning fun and creative. Interactive Board would bring convenience and flexibility in learning. It would save greatly on teaching cost as well.


GHS BULLEPUR was established in 1983 and it is managed by the Department of Education. It is located in Rural area. It is located in KHANNA block of LUDHIANA district of Punjab. The school consists of Grades from 6 to 10. The school is Co-educational

Team SACH had a meeting with Mr. Rajkumar principal of GHS Bullerpur discussing the areas in need of repair and renovation in school.
The School lacked sanitation and taps in drinking area was also not in working condition, Principal requested us to look after these areas. The areas that required work is mentioned as follow

The Principal then specified areas that needed immediate attention. The work to be done is mentioned below

We are currently working on finalising BOQ for the same school and will be completing the civil work in school by the end of April’2022


GSSS SIDHWAN KALAN was established in 1937 and it is managed by the Department of Education. It is located in Rural area. It is located in SIDHWAN BET block of LUDHIANA district of Punjab. The school consists of Grades from 6 to 12. The school is Co-educational

Team had a meeting with the principal, Mrs. Navjot Kaur of Sidhwan Kalan regarding the project aiming repair and renovation in their school.
She wanted us to look through the condition of boys and girls toilet as it was need of dire renovation.
Mid day meal table was her one of the main concerns as students would have to either eat standing or sitting on the floor.
She also requested for bala work on the walls as she had enough space.
So, after due consultation with school management, we tried to take those areas which will benefit students the most in long run.


GHS GUREH was established in 1994 and it is managed by the Department of Education. It is located in Rural area.
The school consists of Grades from 6 to 10. The school is Co-educational and it doesn't have an attached pre-primary section.

We met Gureh School Principal and briefed her about our project of repair & renovation in school and found that School looks beautiful from outside but it lacks various prime necessities. We found that toilet required paint work and cleaning to make it hygienic and water cooler is also not in working condition. Thus, it affects drinking water facility in school adversely. Library, clerk room & store room floors were in bad condition and required renovation to make it useful So, after due consultation with school management, we tried to take those areas which will benefit students the most in long run.


GHS BHROWAL KALANGHS BHROWAL KALAN was established in 1970 and it is managed by the Department of Education. It is located in Rural area. It is located in SIDHWAN BET block of LUDHIANA district of Punjab. The school consists of Grades from 6 to 10. The school is Co-educational.

We met Mr. Vishal (School Principal) and briefed him about our project of repair and renovation. School was declared as smart school but it lacks prime necessities related to sanitation and drinking water. School toilets were unhygienic and walls were not in good shape, moreover girl’s toilet required floor upliftment as it flooded with water during rains. School required RO installation for drinking facility and taps were also damaged. Classrooms were old, walls required paint work and floor required upliftment So, after due consultation with school management, we tried to take those areas which will benefit students the most in long run.


GHS KOHARA was established in 1962 and it is managed by the Department of Education. It is located in Rural area. It is located in KOOM KALAN block of LUDHIANA district of Punjab. The school consists of Grades from 6 to 10. The school is Co-educationaL

We are in process of finalisation of BOQ and will be starting Civil work sooner and will be completing school civil work by the end of April’ 2022